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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Exporting MySQL queries into a CSV file.

Every now and then I need to do some non-standard data processing things, which requires grabbing a bit of data from a database. Usually this "non-standard data processing things" are simple scripts, and enhancing them to get data directly from a database would kill their main advantages: simplicity and a fast setup time.

CSV files are way better for this kind of processing. Since the data is located in a database, not a CSV file, we'll have to export it. Now there are two basic ways:

a) The MySQL geek way.
b) The bash/sh geek way.

So let's start with the pure MySQL way. Usually when queries are made using the standard mysql console client, the retrieved data is formated into something that should reassemble a table... well maybe it does, but "broad" result tables aren't readable anyway.

select * from some_table into outfile "/tmp/output.csv" \
fields terminated by ";" lines terminated by "\n";

All we have to do is change the field and line terminator to match our needs. About the file, you should pass a path that is writable for the mysql user. If the file exists, or the MySQL server has no write permissions, this query will fail.

Let's move on to the bash geek way - personally I don't fancy MySQL trciks, therefore I usually rely on bash. So here we go:

echo "select * from some_table;" | \
mysql -u my_usr -p my_db | sed 's/\t/;/g' | \
tail -n +2 > /home/chriss/output.csv

We execute a query, passing it via an input stream to the MySQL client. The client returns a tab separated list of fields (one per line), sed replaces those with semicolons. Next we dispose of the first line (using tail), since it contains column names. Finally we save the output as a file. Unlike in the MySQL way, you can write the file according to your write permissions, not  mysql's users.

Both approaches have some advantages and disadvantages, so their usage should be dependent on the context.

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